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Owning my anxiety

AB4D recently met up with Morag, one of our members from Manningtree to talk about her strategies for dealing with anxiety.

AB4D: What are some of the things that make you anxious?

Morag: Changes to my routine make my anxiety levels rise. I like to have a clear plan of what I'm doing which I put in my diary. Its very hard for me when my routine changes at the last minute. I get very anxious when the Air Ambulance flies over my house, I don't like the noise and I'm worried about what might have happened in the area.

AB4D: How do you take back control in those situations?

Morag: I listen to my Mindfulness Recordings. I also find it very relaxing to be in the garden, watching and listening to the birds. Walking along the seafront and listening to the sea is very relaxing too! I like to do gardening with the staff at my Gardening Club. I also know that I can phone people who will help to remain calm. Volunteering is really important to me as it helps me to focus my mind on something-I am a volunteer with Community Railway and help them out in lots of ways, including running stands at festivals and tidying up stations.

AB4D: Do you have a positive message for people who struggle with their anxiety?

Morag: Stay Calm, try to focus on the positive and not the negative. Try new activities and Mindfulness to take your mind off your worries.

Thanks Morag! If you would like to share any helpful information like Morag, please get in touch!


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